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platform was submitted to him and he asked all of us and others for suggestions on this plank. Weinsisted on Consent, based on your resolution. We insisted on development of resources, based on your resolutions and requests. We insisted on a policy which would not permit the continuination of alienation of Indian land. We insisted that Indian claims be settled more expeditiously and a part of that in settlement be fore the case reaches the final case of trial. That draft with suggestions made by various Indians was adapted almost word for word. Mrs. Secundo was present at the convention in Chicago and he presented our arguments for this kind of plank. I thought you would be interested in knowing that As to theRepublican platform, as a result of ourmaterials and as a result of Indians polling, including the Cheyenne-Arapahoes, including Mr. Robert Yellowtail, including a number of others, as a result of Indians calling on the Republican National Headquarters, we were invited to submit suggestions for a plank. I sent over your resolution and your statement. Then I was asked to submit some suggestions again for more details and specific suggestions for a plank. Finally we worked out some language that embodied these suggestions in as to consent, as to resources development, Those suggestions, we knew, needed to be backed up at the convention. Mrs. Viola Ollinger, one of our officers, was near at hand and we hoped she could go. One of our attorneys was going to be in that area on other business and in order to urge that these principles of consent, of development of human resources, of respect for private organization, and cultural identity of Indians, he argued very elogquently for those points in the platform. We will give you, if you would like to have them, the speeches Mr. Barker made in the Republican National Convention in support of the language which he took there. We will provide that for you. The main difference in the two planks is that the Republicans plank says we favor most sympathetic and constructive execution of the Federal trusteeship over Indian affairs. Always in full consultation with Indians in the management of their interest and the expansion of their right for self-government in local and tribal affairs.