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that this will be a very close election. In New Mexico, in Arizona, in Montana, in Idaho, in South DAkota, possibly in North Dakota, possibly in Oregon and Washington, possibly in congressional districts in California, you have the key to whether the legislative measure you want are passed or defeated. It's a cinch, if you vote, if you can get 100% registration of your people and 100% of your people turn out, but above all, if you can get the information to them, if you can get the candidates of both parties taht are asking for your votes to commit themselves clearly so that next year when you send your tribal delegation or your national organization or your national president to Work in your behalf it will do no good to try to change a man's point of view or very little good, and it will do very little good then to try and get him to change his mind. if all of you and all of us, between now and Nov. 6 don't use the most powerful weapon that you have, and that is your informed vote, We'll be glad to answer any questions on these platforms or on any other platform of our operation, that you may want to have answered. I am very reluctant to try to talk any longer without reporting to you that we would not have called you what we have caled a very special meeting tonight at 7 o'clock tonight to hear me talk. I am told that we may now tell you that we were scheduled to have Vice-President Nixon drop by informally at your meeting at seven thirty tonight., and the reason we urged your to be here early and the reason we scheduled my remarks at that time, was to kill time and to take up time and have someone here who could easily step aside at the time he came in. Just a few minutes before seven o'clock we were given the message that the Vice-President is running a temperature and had almost lost his voice. and that he would not be able to carry the schedule that he has planned and would not be able to come, but until fifteen minutes before seven that was the plan and we would not have called you to special meeting with so much pressure only to hear this report which might have been given at another time. Since we have started, I will be very glad if (joe), do you want the committees to go to work now, the way we origanally had it planned. We are extremely sorry we  I think your organization and your work had a great part in it. For years someone from your Washington office