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dismissal. The other committees to meet tonight, Public Relations, in charge of John Reynor and Rex Currey, will meet over on this end, called the west end of this Golden Room. The Finance Committee will meet downstairs , the Regal Dining Room on the first floor. Chairman of Finance Committee, as you know, for the timebeing will be Viola Ollinger. Is Viola here? Viola Ollinger. Carewe Frierer here? Carewe you know where the Finance Committee meets. I will try to get Viola Ollinger down there as soon as possible. Election Committee will meet in Parlor G. Chairman of Elections Committee is Alex Saluskin, is Alex here? Your Election Committee will meet in the NCAI Office, that's the Emerald Room, you know where it is, it right across the mezzazine here. That is that for the announcements of committees. The Finance Committee, I will read off the committees : Resolutions Committee, which is no. 1 on the program, in charge of Darcy McNickle's tonight, and his committee are as follows:  (given in program)
If there are any committees who cannot take the time tonight to meet, the Constitution Revisions Committee underClarence Wesley and Father Brown, if you so wish to discuss any change in the constitution you may get together here on this end. Will Clarence Wesley and Father Brown locate them so they are on this side next to the stage.
On the Credentials Committee, it was announced tonight that they would not meet, they did not have the time and they know that people will be reporting yet in the morning for the next day. 
The Elections Committee, they are going to meetin the Emerald Room, NCAI office right across the way.
The Finance Committe as was announced will meet in Convention Hall. 
The Committee of the Joint Work with Arrow in charge of Elizabeth Broderige and Rollo Wetzel, will meet later. 
The Elections Committee, they are going to meetin the Emerald Room, NCAI office right across the way. 
The Finance Committee as was announced will meet in Convention Hall.
The Committee of the JOint Work with Arrow in charge of Elizabeth Broderige and Rollo Wetzel, will meet later.
The Parliamentarians, are all absent as far as I know up to now. Frank George, Austin Buckles, and Earl Boyd Pierce. I am going to have the Parliamentarian committee changed somewhat unless Frank George shows up tomorrow and Austin Buckles, and I know that Boyd Perce is not coming, I am going to place Harry Belton, if Frank George comes you work with him as a parliamentarian, and Walter Vorhees, you'll