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things and words get a little strong the way it's worded. I'm not saying it is wrong, but it isn't right for setting up the specifications for a grant. Where you have a committee is picked like it was before, you won't have that difficulty, because those people will clean out all that stuff and clear up the resolution so that it is acceptable to Arrow. You'll have a better chance of getting more funds. And also you'll have a chance to coordinate your efforts on different projects, so that they won't be coming from different sources. We also have difficulty about obtaining funds. It would be possible, under the old system, for officers of NCAI and Arrow members to be going to New York and Boston and everyplace else, without any real agreement or consent. Under this thing as properly organized, they inform each other and work in one unit, so that there is no wasted effort. 

Someone made an inaudible remark. 

GARRY: All those in favor of this resolution signify by saying "aye." Those opposed. The resolution is adopted by this Convention. Now this, I believe, officially ends our Convention. I wanted very much to hear all the rest of the reports, but, as our group grows smaller, I am sure that maybe those who of you can postpone your reports until next year. Time has crept up on us, and I know some of you may wish to give a further report, but due to lack of time we'll have to declare the Convention closed. Immediately following this, the close of the Convention, I want the Executive Council to take the first two rows of seats up here and we will start the regular meeting of the Executive Council. Now those who are leaving and will not be able to stay thru the entire sessions of the Executive Council, I wish before you leave, if you're not going to be here, that you leave your voting proxy with someone or leave it over there at the office of NCAI, which is in the Emerald Room. 

There's a note here from Mr. (Harrick?), your question will be applicable to the Executive Council - your proposition here; so we'll give you a chance to bring in your proposition. Now, those of you have business with the Executive 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-27 18:19:21