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Council and who want to introduce it, I wish you would stick around. I am thinking of those people who are thinking about having the Executive Council approve the site of the [[strikethrough]] N [[/strikethrough]] next Convention, which is Oklahoma. Those of you who have that interest, I want you to stick around. Generally, we have a prayer at the end of the session, and I don't know what is the right procedure; I think the President officially asks for a motion to officially close the Convention, and then I think in the meantime while we are, after the second and before it is voted upon, I am going to call on someone here who can lead us in prayer and to officially close the Convention. Would someone here (interruption). The motion is made that the Convention be officially closed for 1956. All right, the motion is made and seconded that we close the Convention, but, before we vote on it, is there anyone here who could lead us in prayer in closing the convention? (Inaudible remark). Yes sir, Dr. (Fox?) (Foss?). Will you all stand? 

Prayer by Dr. F_____.

Garry: Thank you, Dr. F_____. Now, are you ready for the question, to close the Convention? All in favor of closing the Convention for 1956, say "aye." The Convention is hereby officially closed. Now, Executive Council, will you please move up to the first two rows of seats. [[strikethrough] We will have, first, the roll call [[/strikethrough]]

The Executive Council of the National Congress of American Indians will now come to order. We will have, first, the roll call, including proxies, by our Executive Director. 

Executive Director, Mrs. Peterson, calls the roll. Says there are sixteen, counting the proxies. 

Garry: Mrs. Peterson, read off those present and those who are here[[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] by proxy, and those who have double votes. Mrs. Peterson[[strikethrough]] : [[/strikethrough]].

Mrs. Peterson: Affiliated Utes, [[strikethrough]] Mrs. Murdock [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Iorg; Agua Caliente