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reducing fares to rates so low that thousands and thousands of poor wretches are crowding out here without the slightest idea of what they will do when they get here. I pity them. California is a great country but like every other place, there is a limit to its capacity, and I apprehend that many who [[??]] here without money will suffer. Though the citizens are organizing to aid such as are destitute and to assist immigrants to obtain employment or homesteads.
I shall soon begin to expect to hear of your picture. You must not allow yourself to be discouraged. It will be a great work. I know it will. Don't try to hurry it through too fast, concentrate all your ability on it. You have a noble subject, worked I think into a fine conception. and now you must do something worthy of yourself. I cannot say when I will return East. It depends much upon my health. I was attacked during the early part of the winter with a violent cold. I am doing my best to cure it but do not know how I am succeeding. Now be of good cheer. Always look ahead to the 'good time coming.' Hope! hope!! hope!! There's nothing like it.  [[??]] Nil desperandum.
Your sincere friend,
Mary [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-30 01:05:16