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Philada. Jan. 17th. 1878
728. Sansom St.

Mrs. Lilly M. Spencer
Dear Madam
Your letter regarding your
pictures in the permanent International 
Exhibition is received, and I have sent it out
to the Building to Mr. Jacob Gross, who has
charge of the art Department there, with the 
request that he will attend to it for you. I ceased
all connection with the exhibition seven months
ago, and Mr. Gross, who has been there all along, not
only in the present permanent exhibition but also
through the Centennial, will know more about such 
details as relate to boxes than I ever did. I
would go out myself and see to it personally but am
in the midst of a most trying pressure of business
that keeps close at work with scarsely time for
food or rest. Writing you all success with your
new work
I remain
Yours truly
John Sartain

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-05 14:46:28