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Gilson Willets,
603 West End Avenue,
New York.

New York, Jan 28, 1899.

Dear Friend:
I will be glad to have photographs of yourself
and photographs in any way pertaining to your
work, for a magazine publication with an article about
yourself and your enterprize. The photograph will be
promptly returned and a copy of the article sent to you
as soon as it appears. The idea is one entirely complimentary to you. I will gladly send you any further
information. Meanwhile I will be very grateful for
the photograph or photographs.
Sincerely yours,
Gilson Willets

Mrs. Lilly Martin Spencer-

[[right margin]]
Times. Tribune. Press. World. Journal. Telegraph.    American Press Asso. McClure's. Chicago Tribune. 
Minneapolis Times.

Leslie's Weekly. Collier's. Outlook. Christian Herald. Illustrated American. Ledger. Home Journal.

Metropolitan. Munsey. Godey's. Nickell. National. The Home.
Success. Romance. Parisian. Bookman. Current Literature. 
Short Stories. Vanity Fair. Ev'rv Month. Photographic Times.
American Home. Art Interchange. 

Author Of:
His Neighbour's Wife.
Anita, The Cuban Spy.
The Loves of Countess Florinne.
The Triumph of Yankee Doodle. [[/right margin]]