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will give the young men employment for a few hours each day. Other industrial pursuits will be instituted as soon as practicable. 
of the Home will be conducted somewhat on the plan of Mt. Holyoke Seminary, where the labor of the Boarding Hall is performed by the students.
This labor within doors, or in the field, will be required at such hours, and only to such an extent, as will help rather than hinder advancement in study, and in addition to the compensation paid, will in itself, teach one of the most important branches of an education.
The facilities enjoyed in the best of Northern Schools, will be given for their instruction.
in its improved methods, will be introduced and illustrated. Familiar and scientific lectures, suited to the advancement of the pupils, will be given.
The Officers and Teachers of this Institution are cultured Christians, who engage in their work for the love of it: the appointments of the School Buildings, the comfort and refinement of the Home, the economy of expense, the chance for self-help, and the earnest efforts of competent instructors, can hardly fail, with God's blessing, to make the Institute attractive by the substantial and superior inducements it offers; and we hope thus to bring the advantage of a
Normal School and Christian Home,
within the reach of many a worthy youth who seeks a preparation for a true and useful life.
The School will open Wednesday Jan. 1st, and will continue, with a vacation of two weeks in April, until July 1st. It is very desirable that pupils come early, and remain as long as possible. To such as choose to remain through the year, there will be abundant opportunity for summer labor at good wages.