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Richmond VA Sept 1st 1865
Col Brown, Chief of the Freedman's Bureau in the State of Va

Dr. Sir.

Desiring to return to my home in Elizabeth City County Va, I respectfully ask to be restored to my property, consisting of a farm containing 430 acres in the country, & two lots, one 22 by about 100 feet, the other 144 by about 300 feet in & about the town of Hampton, which have been turned over to your Bureau.

About the middle of May 1861, deeming it a more safe place, I moved my numerous family from the town of Hampton to my farm 10 miles distant, intending there to remain until affairs became more settled. They remained there until the battle of Great Bethel occurred, when, my farm being a portion of the battle ground, their safety compelled me to flee with them to someplace beyond the reach of shot & shell. At the conclusion of the battle the Confed. forces retired to Yorktown & leaving my farm outside their lines, I was precluded from returning to it again. I then removed them to the city of Richmond where they have been to the present time. I was a non-com-officer in a Vol. company which had been in existence sometime previous to the breaking out of war, & which was called into service about the middle of May 1861. Somewhere about the last of September following, upon application to the War Dept. at Richmond, I was discharged the service, on the plea of having a family of 14 or 15 persons dependent upon me for subsistence. I then embarked in the baking business in the city of Richmond. When the second conscript law was passed, taking in all men up to the age of 45 years I was embraced - I immediately sought & obtained a detail as a clerk in the War Dept. in which place the fall of Richmond found me. I herewith enclose a copy of the certificate showing that I have taken the oath & my affidavit declaring that I was not worth $20.000 previous to the war nor since & that I am not embraced in any of the exceptions in Presdt Johnsons proclamation. With regard to the truth of the statements above made, I refer you generally to the citizens of the county, & specially to Hon. Jos. Segar from my county, U.S. Senator Elect for the state of Va         

Respectfully &c
John L. Peck

Transcription Notes:
"The Battle of Big Bethel was one of the earliest land battles of the American Civil War"... assuming this is what "the battle of Great Bethel" means in the letter. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 14:18:34