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Headquarters 5th Div. 5th Sub Dist Va
Bureau R. F. & A.L.
New Kent, C.H. Va
March 9th 1868

Dr. John Mayo, overseer of Poor.

Dr Sir,

You will please give to the bearer Pomfrey Richardson. an order to obtain for himself the necessary amt of supplies for his comfort.

He is an old and very poor man. & is a fit subject to be aided by the county. As his wife is living & he being old and infirm. it would perhaps be as well for him not to go to the poor house -
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Srv't.
Wm H Sloan
2nd Lieut 11th U.S. Inf.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-01 15:13:55