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War Department, 
[[strikethrough]] Washington D.C. [[/strikethrough]] Cherrystone Va, April 27th 1868.

S.C. Armstrong Esq
Agent Bureau R.F & AL
Fort Monroe

Dear Sir -
I herewith return to you the papers pertaining to the Complaint of Robert Poole. late Seagt Co "A" 10th USCT against Lieut G.P. Sherwood - in reference to payment of Bounty - Enclosed [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] find also affidavit of Robt Poole - Claimant & Geo Carter Witness - I have written the other witness Mr Thos H.U. Upshur - who lives at Drummondtown - (have written twice) requesting him to furnish me with statement as to the amount paid by Lieut Sherwood to Poole in his presence, but have heard nothing from him Reply - In justice to Lieut Sherwood have enclosed also a statement made by Mr. Jos P. Power as to declaration made by Poole to him several months since - 

If it shall be decided necessary to proceed to Drummondtown in order to obtain affidavit of Mr. Upshur please inform me and I will give the matter my attention - 

Very respectfully yours
Charles M Power
Special agent

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-01 16:08:26