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Washington DC Jany 21st. 1868

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
Richmond Va

I beg leave to recommend to your favorable consideration as an applicant for the position of Bureau Agent in one of the districts of Virginia Mr. Geo W Harper late Lieut 3rd. Pa Arty & Mustering Officer at Fort Monroe under Maj. F. Martin (of late President of the Board of Registration for Hanover Co Va) Mr. Harper is a young man of good administrative abilities & will fill with credit any position you may have it in your power to offer

Hoping that his application may meet with your earliest attention and most favorable consideration,

I have the honor to remain,
Very respectfully,
Your obedt Servant
A. P. Blunt
Bvt Col & AQM USA

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-02 13:16:53