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State of Virginia
County of Loudoun 

On this 10th day of March A.D. 1868 personally appeared before me, a justic of the Peace, in and for the County and State aforesaid, Julia Hunter, a Freedwoman about twenty five years of age who being duly sworn according to law, discloses, that one William B. Downey, of Leesburg Va. did some time during the month of April A.D. 1867, have sexual intercourse with her, she said deponent, and that, she became pregnant by him, that in due course of time the child was born during all of which time myself and child was living with my mother; and that in consequence of my feeble health from my late confinement, and that, we are both supported chiefly by the Overseer of the Poor and further that all the means that the said William B Downey ever gave me means to defray expenses caused by my pregnancy by him and confinement three dollar, which sum he gave me in July or August there about A.D. 1967  The deponent further sworn that she frequently asked the said William B. Downey for money but he put her