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Amount of Stock in hand
in Industrial School- 

6 |women calico dresses|- @ 2.20|= 13.20
1 |" linsey "          |        |3.00
1 |girls calico "      |        |1.30
2 |" " "               |@1.00   |2.00
3 |"sack"              |@ .40   |1.20
3 |skirts & sacks for" |@2.25   |6.75
5 |womens flannel skirts|@1.42  |7.10
11|girls " "           |@1.10   |12.10
4 |womens undervests-  |@  95   |3.80
7 |" chemises          |@  75   |5.25
2 |"  "                |@  65   |1.30
13|girls "             |@  44   |5.72
7 |womens drawers      |@  62   |4.34 
11|girls "             |@  55   |6.05
6 |womens short cot gowns|@ 70  |4.20
+6|sheets              |@1.00   |6.00
+2| "                  |@ .87   |1.74
6 |mens chkd fl shirts large|@1.50|9.00
2 |" " "               |@1.50   |3.00
4 |" hickory " "       |@ .95   |3.80