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Johnstown Fulton Co. N.Y.
Feb 19th 1865
Col. O. Brown
Asst Comm's Freedmens Bureau
inclosed you will find a letter from your friend General A. Terry The letter speaks for it self Col. I now take the liberty to renew my application as there seames to be quit a chance in the public affairs of of the State of Virginia &  from what I here the goverment is a little hard up to get good & loyal men to put in office in the different departments of the state
Therefore I would be very much obliged to to you if you would interest your self in my behalf to get me something to do as I lost all that I had in Virginia on account of that accursed rebellion & am more rebllious now than ever & it would seame but an acto of Justice to get something in return. hopeing that the above may meete with your approbation.
Please answer at your earliest convenience
Yours truly
J.C. Crowley