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White Point 1st Feby 1868
Oak Grove P.O.
Westmoreland Cty Va

Col. Johnson
Dr Sir
Will you be so kind as to inform me by return mail what was the sentence of the Court Martial that tryed Geo. Wm. Thompson, alias Bright.  Rinzisje &c my son informed me (who was a witness and present a part of his trial) that this man was identified by various witnesses [[strikeout]] that [[/strikeout]] as the man that represents himself a registrator &c named Geo. M. and Thompson, Lt. Ayers promised my son that he would send me by mail, the finding of the Court and a certificate that I arrested him which would enable me to collect of Genl. O. Brown the reward he offered of $50 for his (Thompsons) arrest, this he failed to do.  I called on Genl. Brown some time after the trial of Thompson and he told me he had recd no account of his trial as soon as he was informed by you or Lt. Ayers the identification of this man I arrested as Thompson he was ready and willing to pay me this reward.