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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands.
Washington City, May the 21st, 1868.

General Brown. dear sir
you will please Recomend me to General Howard officialy. he is willing as soon as you say you need me to order my appointment, he only wants you to state the sallery. he tells me to come on to night and stick to you but I thought I would rather send his letter on to you. as I might come on under expense and then you might not employ me and then I would be in a fix. I will come on as soon as you send word to the general that wish me and the amount of sallery. I shall bring the amount of money with me that I got from the civil fund. please answer this and the Generals also imediately, and direct for John V. Given No. 238. K St Washington D.C.