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Bureau R.F. and A.Lands
Head Qrs 3d Sub District Va
Richmond Va january 1st 1867

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Assist COmmr Dist of Va
   In pursuance with Circular No 13, dated Head Quarters Asst Comr, State of Va July 8th 1867
   I have the honor to submit the following Report
   The Bureau Affairs in the 3ed Sub. District are progressing smoothly.
   We have been greatly assisted in the past three months by the Military Commission, who in conjunction with the Bureau have in many instances insured justice to the Colored citizen, when the Civil Authorities had failed or neglected to do their duty.
  I am compelled to report that oppression is on the increase, since the Election held on the 22nd, 23d and 24th of October 1867.  Immediately after the result had been published and it was found that the Colored man had cast his vote for the party known as the Republican party, then came a system of tyrannical oppression such as had  never been experienced since the fall of Richmond and the extinction of the Confederacy.
   In the City of Richmond and