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Howard Grove Hospital is one of the most successful institutions of the kind in the United States.  It is well attanded to by the Surgeon in charge, and by those under him.
   Not a single complaint has ever reached these Head Quarters in reference to neglect or any  other charge against the present management.
   As the patients are now daily increasing I would recommend that its accommodation be enlarged.
   We would not have so large a burthen [[burden]] on our hands if the City  Authorities would do  their duty; but I am tired of pressing this matter any further or calling their attention thereto, again.  Promises after promises have been given me that they would care for the Colored paupers, but as yet, I see no signs of their promises being fulfilled.
   They promised to fit up a Poor House near where the present Alms house stands, for the Colored people, but latterly the subject seems to have been entirely ignored.
   The great anxiety about Military organizations among the Colored people, at least in this Sub Dist is, if any such anxiety does really exist, is entirely groundless.
   That a portion of the Colored people are armed with old muskets