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may be true, but that they intend to use them against the White citizen is entirely erroneous.  I defy any one to point out a case, in the past six months in which a negro ever attempted to use firearms on a White person, on the contrary I could mention a dozen cases where Whites have used fire arms against the Colored.  Only one disturbance has occurred since my last report, and that was in the County of King William.  A Colored man named Jefferson Hill, resisted arrest by the Civil Authorities for some trifling offence, - by advice of bad men of both Colors -.  He was promptly arrested by the Military and his case attended to by myself.

We have entered a new year with a determination to make the Bureau all its friends desire, a greater aid to the Colored in point of morals, education, religion and industry.  And I close this report hoping our work may show a greater result in attaining the above ends, when called upon to render our next account.

Respectfully submitted
Your Obed't Serv't
Paul R Hambrick
Lieut 45th Infty Sub Ass't Com'r