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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head-Quarters Sub-Assistant Commissioner, 3d Sub-District, State of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., April 16th 1868.

L.B. No. 376 Vol 1/67 & 8
B.C. Cook 
A.S.A. Commr. 1st Div'n - Sir,
I have the honor to request an explanation of the excess of issue of rations over the Estimate made for the month of March 1868. 
Your Estimate for March 1868 was for Forty Thousand (40,000)  Rations. Your issue amounted to One hundred and nineteen thousand (119,000) rations besides the enormous amount of Two hundred and forty four thousand, Seven hundred and seventy six (244,776) Soup rations.
An explanation is earnestly desired for the information of Department Head Quarters
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Serv't
Paul R. Hambrick
Lt 45h Infty Sub Ass't Comm'r