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Bureau R. F and A. Lands
Head Qtr's 3rd Sub Dist Va.
Richmond Va. August 12th 1868

Bv't Brig. Gen'l O. Brown
Assistant Commr Va.

I have the honor to report that on Tuesday morning, learning that a riot had taken place at the Seymour & Blair. Mass Meeting held near the Old Market in this City Monday evening preceding. In company with B.C. Cook A.S.A.C  1st Div'n, visited the place and from a close inquiry learned the following facts. Whilst Judge Ould was speaking at the meeting above mentioned a Colored man, whose name I am unable to learn, replied to a sentence uttered by the said speaker, in words construed by some bystander as an insult to the speaker. This bystander struck the Colored man in the face. The colored man then ran away and was presumed to have taken shelter in a building occupied by another Colored man as a cake and pie store. This little shanty was surrounded by the Whites who by this time assembled in a large crowd at the cry of "a fight", and they believing that the Colored man, who had replied to Mr Ould's remarks, was in the shanty, commenced stoning the 

Transcription Notes:
Note: Judge Ould = Robert Ould