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Freedmens Hospital 
Hampton Va November 6th 1868. 

Brvt. Lieut. Col. J.J. DeLamater U.S.V
Surg in chief Dist of Va
Richmond Va

I have the honor to very respectfully request transportation for the following named Patients from Hampton Va to Howard Grove Hospital at Richmond Va viz,

[[7 columned table]]
| Name | Age | Sex | Former Residence | Date of Reception | Disease or disability | Prospect of recovery | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Wm Murphy | 80 | Male | Wilmington N.C. | March 7th 1868 | Old Age | None | 
| Edmond Montigue | 82 | Male | King William | Jany 3rd 1868 | Old Age | None | 
| Thos Copeland | 27 | Male | Suffolk | Decr 30th 1867 | Paralysis | Favorable |  
| Benj Ditchman | 15 | Male | Mathews Co | April 7th 1866 | Paralysis | None |
| Elija Turner | 45 | Male | James City | Feby 19th 1868 | Ulcers | Favorable | 
| Robt Jett | 30 | Male | Chas City | Feby 17th 1867 | Fracture of right oss humerus | Favorable |  
| Calvin Russet | 4 | Male |   | June 9th 1867 | Orphan |   | 
| Henry Garrisson | 23 | Male | King William | June 11th 1867 | Consumption | None |
| Stephen Braxton | 108 | Male | James City | July 5th 1866 | Old Age | None | 
| Daniel Hugman | 28 | Male | Mathews | Septr 28th 1867 | Idiot | None | 
| Isham Clanny | 45 | Male | Southampton | Octr 8th 1866 | Amputation of right Leg. | None |
| Peter Dirge | 79 | Male | King William | July 3rd 1868 | Old Age | None |
| Charles Duke | 78 | Male | Suffolk | Augt 19th 1868 | Old Age | None |
| Ephriam Saunders | 35 | Male | Middlesex | Augt 24th 1866 | Amputation of both Hands | None | 
| Louis Jones | 38 | Male | Accomac | Nov. 8th 1867 | Idiot | None | 
| James Henderson | 25 | Male | James City | Feby 28th 1867 | Blind | None |
| Mary Mitchell | 25 | Female | Caroline Co | July 17th 1868 | Pregnancy | Favorable | 
| Elizabeth Winn | 35 | Female | Suffolk | April 3rd 1866 | Scrofula | None | 
| Julia Pine | 22 | Female | King William | Augt 4th 1868 | Pregnancy | Favorable |  
| Celia Savage | 21 | Female | North Carolina | Octr 2nd 1868 | Hysteria | None | 
| Mary Golding | 18 | Female | Gloucester | June 30th 1866 | Scrofula | None |
| Amy Scott | 22 | Female | Nansemond | Feby 2nd 1868 | Hysteria | Favorable | 
| Jane Simon | 4 | Female |   | Feby 8th 1867 | Orphan |   | 
| Albert McGill | 46 | Male | Washington | Octr 28th 1867 | Anasarca | doubtful. | 
| Julia Moore | 19 | Female | Elizabeth City | June 12th 1868 | Epiplepsy | Favorable | 
| Mary Morris | 24 | Female | Henrico Co | June 19th 1868 | Pregnancy | Favorable |  
| John Simon | 58 | Male | New Kent Co | Decr 13th 1867 | Rheumatism | Favorable | 
| Louisa Simon | 70 | Female | New Kent Co | Old Age | none | 
| Alice Brown | 20 | Female | Attendant |   |   |   | 
| William Brown | 35 | Male | Attendant. |   |   |   | 

[[note]] now 45 [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
Missing word in the 5th column header and also in the "note". Missing word appears to be 'reception' Note - now 45 ?