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121. Vol. 1. 68, Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. 

Head Quarters 11th. Sub-District of Virginia. 
FARMVILLE, VA, April 20th 1868. 

Brv't Brig Genl O. Brown, 
Asst Comr, Bureau R.F.&A.L. 
Richmond Va.
I have the honor to return herewith "Report of Civilians (Agents) on duty in the 11th Sub Dist Va during the month of March 1868. The requirements of endorsement thereon have been complied with. 

I am General 
Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Serv't, 
Thos P Jackson 
Sub Asst Comr 11th Sub Dist of Va. 

(1 Enclosure)