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103. Vol. 1. 68.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarter 11th, Sub-District of Virginia.
Farmville Va, April 21st, 1868.

Brv't Brig Genl O. Brown,
Asst Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Richmond Va.

In reply to your communication of the 17th. inst. I have the honor to state that owing to having just taken charge of this Sub Dist I am at present unable to comply. An Inspection of the Sub Dist will be made and report forwarded as early as possible. I would also state that there is no copy of Circular No 13, same Series, on file in this Office.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Ser'vt
Thos P. Jackson
Sub Asst Comr. 14th. Sub Dist of Va.