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General Order No. 1.
Military And Civil Offices Of The Town of Farmville.
May 1st, 1868.
   In view of recent occurrences, and in consequence of a groundless excitement, which has been thoughtlessly gotten up in the community, the undersigned Military, and Civil Officers of the Town of Farmville, do hereby declare, and make known the fact: That no necessity exists, for the arming of private citizens.  or the presence of armed parties on our streets, or in our town by day, or night, or the habitual firing of arms, within the corporate limits of the town, but on the contrary, such proceedings are not only useless and unnecessary, but endanger the peace and good order of society, and peril the property and lives of our people.  Such practices are open and direct violations of Law, both Military and Municipal, and in the interests of law, public tranquility, and mutual safety, are hereafter positively forbidden.
   Should an armed Police be needed for the protection of persons or property, the Military Commandant of the Post, will furnish such force properly officered and equipped.
   The Municipal Laws provide that for the unnecessary or unauthorized firing of a Musket, Rifle, Pistol, Fowling Piece, or other fire arms within the corporate limits of the town, a fine of three dollars, or imprisonment in the Town Cage shall be imposed for each offence.
   All armed parties of Citizens, white or colored, unless authorized, and acting in obedience to orders from the Military or Civil authorities, will be arrested, and such fines imposed and penalties inflicted as the Laws provide.
   All trespassing, marauding or depredating upon private or public property is forbidden, and will be punished upon conviction, and a faithful and scrupulous observance of the Law now in force is enjoined upon all, irrespective of race, color or condition.
   Attention is also hereby called to Gen. Orders No. 3 and 35, from Gen. Schofield, the requirements of which, will be enforced.
   All Law abiding and order loving citizens white and colored are earnestly requested to aid in executing the provisions of this order, to detect, and report violations of the same, on the part of the whites, the report to be made to Capt. J. C. Currier, Military Commandant, or the Civil Authorities of the Town, and on the part of the colored people, to Capt. Thomas P. Jackson, of the Bureau of F. R. and A. L.
   Signed, J. C. CURRIER, Bv't. Capt. U. S.A., Commanding Post.
THOS. P. JACKSON, Sub. Ast. Com'r. Bureau R. F. and A. L.
W. W. H. THACKSON. Pres. Board Trustees, Farmville, Va.

RICHMOND, VA., April 3, 1868.
General Orders No. 35. } "Extract."
   I. It having been reported to these Head Quarters that numerous cases have occurred and are daily occurring of violation of State Laws regulating hunting, the attention of all concerned is called to the provisions of sections 1 to 6 inclusive of chapter 101, Code of Virginia, and an act amendatory of 4th section thereof, entitled "an act toprevent and punish unlawful hunting" passed February 20th, 1866, which provides that, "if any person shall hunt, or range, with or without dogs, on the lands of another, without the consent of the owner or tenant of such lands or shoot along any public road, or in the streets of any town or village, in any of the counties of the Commonwealth, or shall fish or fowl on the lands or in the water courses comprehended in the survey of any proprietor, he shall be deemed guilty of trespass &c."  These laws, just and necessary at all times, are peculiarly so in the present impoverished condition of the State, when agricultural interests will suffer by the destruction of crops in fields which are hunted and ranged over by idle and irresponsible parties.  In review of these facts, all officers, civil and military, in this District, are enjoined to take such measures as will ensure the faithful observance of the laws, and prevent in future, all illegal hunting, ranging, fowling and fishing within the limits of their respective jurisdictions, and secure the prompt arrest and punishment of all offenders.
   II.  This order will remain in force until the first day of October next.
   By command of
   Bvt. Maj. General Schofield, S. F. Chalfin, Asst. Adgt. General.

A true Copy,
   J. C, Currier, Bvt. Capt. U. S. A.
General Orders No. 3. } "Extract."
   Sec. 6.  And be it further enacted, that all militia forces now organized or in the service in either of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, be forthwith disbanded, and that the further organization arming or calling into service of the said militia forces, or any part thereof, is hereby prohibited under any circumstances whatever, until the same shall be authorized by Congress.
   Approved March 2nd, 1867.
   By command of
Brig.and Bvt. Maj.Gen. Schofield, U.S.A.
   (Signed,)  S. F. Chalfin, Asst. Adgt. Gen.

   A true copy
   J. C. Currier, Bvt. Capt. U. S. A.

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