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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands,
Fredericksburg, Va. June 29th 1868.

General O Brown.
Asst Commissioner
Richmond. Va

In obedience to Circular No 5. series of 1867. Head Quarters Asst Commissioner. Dist of Va I have the honor to report that, I only made an inspection of the 1st 2nd and 6th Divisions of my Sub Dist. for the quarter ending June 30" inst. having been relieved from that duty in the 3rd 4th and 5th Divisions by verbal instructions from E.M. Webber Inspector &c.

The feeling of distrust between the two races as heretofore reported by me does not seem to abate — on the contrary has increased rather than diminished. I attribute this feeling to be the result of intimidations and threats upon the part of the whites toward the blacks in the event of the latter voting for the adoption of the new Constitution.

The Freedmen generally seem hopeful of