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"rust". Corn and Oats may yet make fair returns. Tobacco largely planted, but it is too early to speculate upon the result. 

Taxes for 1867-8 (40) forty cents Poll, and (50) fifty cents per $100-

Charlotte County
General Condition of Affairs, &c., &c.
In this county freedmen are perhaps poorer than in Prince Edward, as except near Keysville where there are several Saw Mills manufacturing timber for shipment, there is no other resource than farm labor. Employers and employed are alike poor, and most freedmen are working for share of crop, and therefore subject to the same lack of ready means as in Prince Edward Co., while cultivating, and the chances of hard settlement as to returns of crop. Those working for money wages are generally not entitled to receive their earnings until Christmas, and meantime must — if they have families — procure advances of food, &c., on credit of their crop or wages, and run the risk of honest settlement of accounts they cannot understand. 

Civil Justice
Civil Justice is administered more impartially than in Prince Edward County. The prosecuting Officer while conscientiously performing his duties to the Commonwealth, not indulging in vindictive harangues to the Court and Jury — more calculated to excite prejudice — than to subserve the ends of justice and good order. Few complaints are made of unfairness by Magistrates in arbitration of controversies between white and colored persons. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-10 22:28:54