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Register of Marriages
No register of Marriages has been made in this County -. Freedmen are universally informed that the Act of February 27th 1866, legalized as marriage, cohabitation at that date, but there is too much laxity of morals, and lewdness and adultery are neither reprobated by public opinion, or punished by the civil authorities -. But one surname is generally used.

The county authorities are willing to provide support at the poor House for aged and indigent freedmen, but - as in other places - they (the freedmen) will rather suffer the most abject misery, than enter the Poor House. The freedmen are literally supporting their own poor.

Labor is in excess of capital to employ and pay living wages-. This necessitates the working of Crops on Shares, a system — I am fully satisfied — in the present condition of the freedmen, injurious to the farmer, because it takes from him in a measure the power of intelligent direction of farming operations; and to the laborer, because his reward is distant and uncertain, and — as his own master — he does not labor so assiduously as he ought to accomplish his greatest result: while his family works — if at all — irregularly and slovenly.

This county has never had the great advantage of a School conducted by Northern qualified and earnest teachers, and the interest in Education is not of that deep and solid character, which alone can produce important results -. Mrs Brown, at Charlotte Court House, has conducted her school exceedingly well (not being a trained teacher), and has had an

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