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Bureau Refugees Freedman & Abandoned Lands
Hd Qrs 5th. Div. 6th. Sub Dist. Virginia
Heathsville, July 17th. 1868

I desire most respectfully to report that in consequence of the anticipated order that Election will soon take place, the sentiments of the disloyal people here are manifested in the most violent and bitter manner, excepting only actual violence to persons - from some cause I have been spared the open personal insults and abuse to which many are subjects of Learning disloyal sentiments truly expressed and the characters of our most honorable gentlemen. I beg, General, that you will not think my statements made indecently and without thought but I should do less than my duty did I hesitate to lay before you facts which are likely to lead to the most deplorable result before Election, which, if you were left ignorant of the state of public feeling, might occasion surprise to you -

Dr. W. W. Douglass our most effective and zealous citizen is particularly obnoxious to these people for his fearless and consistent course has added more to the Union strength than any other man in this section - In his public speeches he is forcible in argument and in advertising his principles yet, as in his private life, his is never discourteous or personal in his allusions as his opponents and has never, to my knowledge, stooped to reply to the tirades of personalities which are directed to him most bitterly and disgracefully by the conservative Speakers each C[[?]]t Day - Dr. Douglass spoke in this County