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21 V3/68
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Head Quarters 11th Sub-District of Virginia 
Farmville, Va., August 20th 1868

Brv. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Comr. State of Va. 
Referring to communication from this office dated Aug.18/68 enclosing "Report of Ex-officers U.S. Vols. now on duty in 11th Sub District"-- I have the honor report that Geo. W. Graham was Mustered into service as 2d Lieut 144 N.Y. Vols May 12, 1864, and that his resignation was accepted Sept 12, 1864, at which date he left the service. 
I am General 
Very respectfully 
Your obt servt 
Tho P Jackson
Sub Asst. Comr 11th Sub Dist.