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before the quarterly Court of Charlotte Co in December next. I should have state befor, that at my request we had a Doctor summoned and he made an examination of the wounds, his name is Samuel Saunders, on being asked what was the condition of Ruben Johnson he said he (Ruben) was in no imediate danger. Neither was he out of danger by any means, the wound in the shoulder was of no consequence, but the wound in his side was dangerous as the ball had penetrated to the lung and he thought lodged there, the bruises on his head were next to nothing, the patient was suffering from no other physical disability but the pistol woulds, and cannot get well inside six weeks, he was doing remarkably well at that present time, but he was better four days ago.
I cannot say how my presence affected the magistrates but they showed from the first a great willingness to do justice in the case, and after hearing all the testimony I was of the opinion that they would acquit Roberts, as there was no eye witness to the difficulty when it occurred, and according to Rubens own statement the Horse did not drag him along the road, but there was a very legible mark around his neck and when asked what caused it he said it was done by a plaster put on there last Spring, which I thought was a rather lame excuse, and judging from the way he answered the question I thought it did not appear reasonable, as it was very plain

Transcription Notes:
12.10.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-10 18:43:30