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Dr JB Ganden being sworn testified, I was called to see Sudsberry on the 18th July, when I got there he was dead - I found him pierced with two wounds (gun shot) two in front three in the rear, he was shot in front - he was shot in the lower part of the abdomen, and three balls or slugs came out in the rear I think they were slugs - the wounds were the cause of his death - did not observe the clothes particularly to see which way the lint was driven where the balls entered - did not observe that a ball had pierced near to the surface and lodged on the front side - 

Ann Ellis being sworn testified - I was at home when Sudsberry was shot when I got there he was lying very bad and asked some one to raise his head, I asked him if he knew what was the matter with him, he said he was shot. I asked him who shot him, he said Harrison, he died about a minute after I got there - he said nothing about dying - I never knew the prisoner called any other name than Harrison, I have heard Sudsberry before he was shot call the prisoner Harrison - 

For Defence 
Chloe Allen being sworn testified - Harrison the prisoner lives three hundred and thirty yards from my house and lives on my land. When Stanley came to my house and reported that Sudsberry was shot prisoner came up to my door, and asked Stanley what was that, Stanley said Sudsberry was shot and said prisoner done it - Lord do you hear that said prisoner, I shot him when I was here, prisoner said he reckoned it was time he was getting up his things and going away for they 

say I have killed Sudsberry, prisoner denied that he killed Sudsberry - The wife of prisoner was putting in cloth in my kitchen, prisoner ran up to my door and asked what Stanley was saying - The prisoner had not been in my yard for 3 weeks, he was owing me some money and did not come where I was - was no falling out between me and prisoner - 

For Defence 
Mary Allen being sworn testified - I saw prisoner at my mothers kitchen where his wife was pulling in cloth a few minutes before Stanley came, prisoner and his wife and their son Henry were engaged in beaming cloth, I saw prisoner in kitchen a few minutes before Stanley came but dont know how long he had been there - 

For Defence
Duckey Clay being sworn testified - prisoner went from my house to Chloe Allens kitchen after bottoming a chair - two hours after prisoner left my house I heard of the death of Sudsberry, from the time prisoner left my house until Stanley came he had been over at Mrs Chloe Allens kitchen 

Cross examined
They were out of doors where they ought to have been beaming cloth and I saw prisoner from my house, did not see him all the time - prisoner had no gun that I know of -

For the Defence 
Dick Brown being sworn testified - I left Chloe Allens kitchen about an hour and a half be seen on the morning of the murder, prisoner was at his own house I know he was there for I hallowed to him for a bag and he told me it was hanging on the pig pen 

Transcription Notes:
Missing a few words - looks good. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-11 15:19:53 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-11 16:44:59