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school, and hopes to qualify several of her pupils for instructors. Miss Mack has reorganized her school at the same place, but the room is utterly unfitted to teach, with comfort or success, and I would be pleased to recommend a small appropriation for rendering the room more suitable for a school. ($15) Fifteen or ($20) Twenty dollars would be well spent for this purpose.
Mr. E. S. Clark continues his school at Talcott; the contributions barely paying expenses.

Taxes are (75¢) Seventy five cents Poll Tax, and (75¢) Seventy five cents per ($100) one hundred dollars valuation.

Road Duty.
But little road duty has been done, and except where roads run along elevated ridges, they are almost impassable in bad weather - and to put them in good order other agencies need be employed than unpaid labor.

Political differences.
Political differences are deep, wide, and bitter. The only public leaders of Union sentiment are colored men; who lack intelligence, judgement and even common sense, and have been done more harm than good.

Farmers speak hopefully - Wheat though scantly sown, did farily [[fairly]], also Oats. Corn promises well, except on poor uplands or wet low grounds, but for the labor available, the breadth of land cultivated is so small a proportion of the whole, that it appears like riding through a deserted country. Capital and emigration of employers is sadly needed in Charlotte - Tobacco though late, and consequently light in Yield, has been housed safely, and quality will in some measure make up for quantity, which however is in excess of last Year.

Capacity of Officer. Condition of Office.
Mr Thomas Leahey Asst Sub Asst Comr. in charge of 1" Division is an energetic efficient and faithful Officer, who has the confidence of freedmen, and respect of white citizens.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-11 16:31:08