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freedmen urged to let public meetings alone, and attend to making food for their families. There is much poverty among freedmen, and wil I fear be much suffering in some sections, after New Year.

Civil Justice
The administration of Civil Justice in Buckingham County is impartial so far as public Officers especially John Hill Esq Comwlth. Attorney whose fair and independent action in all cases makes it cause of regret he at present stands disqualified for Office Juries are controlled greatly by prejudice but they are perhaps unconscious of it

Register of Marriages
Register of Marriages is very imperfect. Sheets on file show (82) Eighty two couples registered as husband and wife (181) one hundred and eighty one children and (34) Thirty four children recognized by parents. The advantage of such Register would not at this late day equal the cost and trouble of completing it.

The Poor
The civil authorities are willing to receive indigent freedmen into alms House but the exhaustion of County funds has rendered the fare issued, but little above sustaining life. No one will go to Alms House except at last extremity and the consequence is that freedmen virtually support their own poor.

As is the case in all South-Side counties, laborers are in number far exceeding the means of planters or others, to employ and pay remunerative wages. Capital and energy must be imported into Buckingham Co. before freedmen can better their condition in any substantial manner.

Buckingham County has a bad preeminence in lack of schools. Up to this time it has been impossible to bring the people up to an understanding of the

Transcription Notes:
12.11.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review