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Road duty
The roads were in such dreadful condition last Winter, that thorough repairs by unpaid labor was out of the question; but much has been done on the leading roads, freedmen performing the duty cheerfully.

Political Differences
Political differences between White and colored, are apparently irreconciliable, although the freedmen are more reasonable in their expectations than in most Counties having a large majority of colored people. The gentleman who pulls the conservative views is, imbued with the most bitter hate of the Republican government or its Officers, and loses no opportunity to press his opinions, though willing to ask for favors from those, he at home affects to despise, although John Watson, delegate to the late convention is a man of fair judgement and tractable, he has dropped his legitimate trade of Shoe maker and gone into politics as more profitable, and in this connection I cannot refrain from using the old advice, as applicable to him. Ne Sutor Ultra Crepidam nor is Mr Dodge, another political trader from New York calculated to make Republicanism popular in Mecklenburg Co.

Crops in Mecklenburg are satisfactory, so far Corn and Tobacco especially when the late Spring and Summer drought are considered. Wheat was generally a failure, owing to heavy rains at blooming season. Corn is more promising than in any other County in 11th Sub District, and Tobacco, though rather light from lateness of planting, is of good quality and safely housed.

Capacity of Officer Condition of Office
Mr. George W. Graham Asst Sub Asst Comr in charge, is entitled to high commendation for his firm and judicious management of this Division, and the untiring industry with which he has striven to advance the education of freedmen. The Office records are very imperfect anterior to his taking charge, since that time they are full, and carefully kept.

Transcription Notes:
12.11.2023 = "Ne Sutor Ultra Crepidam" -> "Sutor, ne ultra crepidam" is a Latin expression meaning literally "Shoemaker, not above the sandal", used to warn people off passing judgement beyond their expertise; Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review