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Outdoor relief being given, is however harsh on old people, who naturally dislike to the separated from their family or friend, and will not claim relief unless actually compelled.

Laborers are largely in excess, not of capabilities and area of this rich country, but of the capital and energy necessary to its most profitable employment.

Halifax has done nothing towards education comparied [[compared]] with what ought and might have been done by the freedmen - no schools have been in session during this quarter. The school at [[News]] Ferry is closed for want of contributions to pay a teacher, and at Halifax C.H. the people are only willing to receive, and prefer to find fault rather than do any thing themselves.

Taxes for 1868 and 9 are ($1 26/100) One dollar and Twenty Six cents Poll tax, and (66¢) Sixty Six cents per ($100) One hundred dollars,

Road duty
Freedmen have performed little road duty, and judging from condition of roads, that little labor has been useless,

Political Differences
Political differences increase rather than decrease in bitterness; and the line of demarcation between the races is sharply drawn. The leaders of public opinion, who are men of undoubted ability and social standing, are not going to surrender their long [[wielded]] control of public affairs without a desperate struggle, and compared with these their  powerful antagonism, the efforts of such men as [[Canada]], to propagate Republicanism, are powerless for good, if not absolutely injurious. It will be long before there is a peaceful solution of present differences, unless more able leaders come forward,