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November 14th 1866.

Johnson Major James

Since writing you on the 12th inst. in reference to the issue of rations to employees in your District in the month of October, I find that the rations were drawn for on the same return as the sick, notwithstanding the instructions contained in "Circular Letter" of September 26th 1866, from these Hd. Quarters, of which the inclosed is a copy. Such violation of instructions causes considerable trouble and delay.

1 Enclosure

I am Major
Very respectfully 
Your Obt. Servt.
(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. 
A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

November 14th 1866.

De Lamater Surgeon J.J.
Chief Medical Office &c.

The Asst. Comr. directs that you instruct the Medical officers in charge of Hospital to make a morning report of the sick in hospital to the Superintendents of the Districts in which the Hospitals are located.

I am Sir
Yours very respctflly.
(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

November 14th 1866.

Remington Bvt. Maj. J.H.
Winchester Va.

The Asst. Commissioner desires me to inform you that you have performed your duties as Superintendent of the 9th District, Bureau R.F. and A.L.


Dept. of the Potomac, to his satisfaction, and that the order relieving you as Superintendent was occasioned by the superior rank of the officer assigned to duty in the 9th District.

I am Major
Very Respty. 
Your Obt. Servant
(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

Richmond Va. Nov. 15th 1866.

White Bvt. Maj. George Q.
Chf. Q.M. and Finl. Agent.

The Asst. Comr. directs that you sell at public auction, two buildings situated at Charlottesville Va. formerly belonging to the so called Confederate States Government; one of the buildings is known as "the Bakery" and the other as a "Store House"

I am Major
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servt.
(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. 
A.A.A. Genl.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

November 15th 1866.

Woolsey Miss J.S.
Richmond, Va.

I am instructed by the Asst. Comr. to inform you that so far as his jurisdiction extends, you can retain possession of the building turned over to you for an industrial school, during the present season, provided the Bureau retains possession of the property for that length of time.

I am Madam
Very respty Yr. Obt. Servt.
(signed) O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols. A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-09 10:31:17