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Bu Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lds
Office Sub Asst Commissioner 
Jackson Miss
October 16th 1868

Sunderland J.W. Lieut. J.W. Sunderland
D.O. A.A.Q.M
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Duplicate Requisitions for Stationary (for signature
I herewith return the same with my Signature attached Also receipt for Transportation orders No 534. 535 536 537. 538. 539)

I am very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servt
Bvt Lt Col US,A
Sub. Asst. Commsnr

Bu. R.F. & A.L
Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Jackson Miss
October 17th 1868

Tyrell, A Mr Andrew Tyrell

George Jackson makes complaint that you refuse to pay him for the labor of his wife and also refuse to alow him to move his wife & daughter and goods from your place until he pays you $50.00 cost of a suit brought against one J.F. Hartzog by you without his Authority from him  As the case was not tried you will forward The bill of costs if it legally belongs to 


him to pay to this office together with your reasons for not paying him and not alowing him to leave

You will make said report to me immediately upon the receipt of this letter

Bu. R.F & A.L.
Office Sub. Asst. Commissioner
Jackson Miss
October 19th 1868

Wolfe F.A. Mr F.A. Wolfe

Your note of the 13th is at hand, contents noted
In reply 
If your statements can be proven your better way would be to settle with your hands paying them a fair price for the labor performed and discharge them

Respectfully Yours
Joseph B Holt
Agt. Bu. R.F & A.L

Bu. R.F & A.L.
O. S.A. Commsr
Jackson Miss Oct 19/68

Taylor, C & J Messrs C & J. Taylor

I wrote you some [[strikethrough]] days [[/strikethrough]] time since to forward to me all the papers in the case of Jack Walker  I have not heard from [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] you in the matter

You will forward said papers immediately (or bring them)  Otherwise Ill be obliged to send an Officer for them causing you & myself much trouble

Joseph B Holt
Agt Bu. R.F & A L

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-13 22:26:36 Unclear: one [[J.F. Harty]] by office [[?]] with of this [[?]] better [[?]] be [[Cn G Messrs & J.]] Taylor otherwise [[?]] obliges for them [[?]]