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L. R. No. 70 O. S. A. C. 10th S. D. Va. Vol. 1 1868
Bu. R. F. and A. Lands
Office Agent for Loudon Co. Va.
Leesburg, Va. January 18, 1868
L. 17. R. F. & A. L. Va. 1st Vol. 1868
Smith S. B.

States: that while on a tour of inspection through this County, he learned there was a colored man named Edward Davis, in the employ of H. T. Swarts, near Middleburg, in Fauquier Co. Va., who had been grossly outraged by a white man named Gustavus Creel, also in the employ of Swarts. Upon a personal examination of the case found said Davis lying upon a basement floor (of stone) in a helpless condition. The circumstances are, that Creel knocked Davis down senseless with a fire shovel making a fearful gash in his head, he falling with his feet in the fire, in which position he remained until his feet were literally roasted, and there is doubt of his ever fully recovering. Swarts states that Creel compromised the matter with Davis by paying him $10 or $12 00/100. dollars. The Civil Authorities having taken no notice of the case and there is little chance of them doing so. Suggests that Gustavus Creel be arrested and brought before the Military Authorities for trial & conviction. 
Rec'd Hd. Qrs. 10th S. D. Va. Jan'y 21, 1868.

Bu. R. F. and A. Lands
Hd. Qrs. 10th Sub. Dist. of Va.
Alexandria, Va. Jan'y 21st 1868.
Respectfully referred to Morton Havens, Esq. A. S. A. Comr. 4th Div: 10th Sub. Dist. of Va., for investigation and such action as is necessary to bring the party guilty of this outrage, before the Civil Authorities for punishment. You will please report what action is taken and if justice is done in the case.
If this man is unable to provide for himself, the County Authorities should do it. 
S. P. Lee
Capt. and Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A.
Sub. Asst. Comr.