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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Alexandria, Va., June 3 20th 1868.

Bvt. Brig. Gen: O. Brown
Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
Richmond, Virginia


In compliance with Circular No. 5, Series 1867, Head Quarters Asst. Com'r, District of Virginia, I have the honor to report that June 10th 1868, I visited Loudoun County, Va. and found the state of feeling very bitter between the races, the failure to impeach the President and the latitude allowed public speakers in the interest of the Conservative faction, tending to excite the prejudices and dislikes of the rebels and making them more bold in their movements and speeches, so much so as to almost entirely intimidate the loyal element and destroy what little energy they yet possess, one of their speakers on the 8th inst, after denouncing the new Constitution, Congress and the Radicals and negroes generally called for some Bureau man to oppose him; Mr. Smith being absent there was none to reply and the rebels seeing no one answer to the call seemed to think the refusal to appear arose from fear and were in consequence extremely jubilant.  I fear that many of the