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Bedford County to wit.

The Testimony of Gabriel Kelley taken before Samuel McDaniel a Justice of the Peace for the county aforesaid in case of the Commonwealth vs. R H Waddell taken on the 6th day of June 1868.

I was plowing about a hundred yards from where I first saw them talking near Mr Waddell potatoe patch. I saw Mr. Waddell punch Henry (Clay) three times with a hoe and one time whammed him over the shoulder (1)  I turned my plow and plowed a row upon returning where I was when I first saw them I heard Mr Waddell say "Dam you you wont pester me no more" I looked over the fence and saw Henry down and droped my plow and started to run to them - I met Mr Woddell coming from Henry and asked him "Had he killed Henry" and he told me "no" I went near Henry and saw his shirt was blody and blood running out his mouth. I came to the house and told Mr Woddell he had killed him and he said no he reckon not. He went with me to the place where Henry was lying and pulled Henry straight as he was lying with his head on the fence and told me Yes he was dead. I then went on and told my wife about it. This occurred when the sun was about half an hour high in the morning. When we were in the stable feeding the horses Henry told me he was going to (2) attack Massa Robert about them tales. I told him to let it alone it would just raise a fuss

Transcription Notes:
12.14.2023 - Make corrections; Resolve remaining [[?]]; Marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-14 12:15:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-16 16:30:58 The writer seems to spell the name as both Waddell and Woddell