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Bedford County to wit
The Testimony of William Steptoe Freedman taken before Samuel McDaniel a Justice of Peace for the county aforesaid in the case of the Commonwealth vs. R.H. Waddell. Taken on the 6th day of June 1868.
I was sitting down sawing boards near the carriage house about sixty (60) yards off from where the difficulty occurred I was not in sight of the parties I heard a conversation going on between the parties I thought in a friendly tone, until I heard Mr Woddell say (1) "Be off". I saw Mr Woddell in his patatoe patch a few minuts before that I didn't see Henry at all but Woddell spoke to me while in his patch asking me what was good to keep bags off patatoes Mr Woddell was putting soot on his patatoe slips.
No further questions being asked further this deponant saith not
(Signed) William his X mark Steptoe
(Signed) J.C. Featherston

Upon his examination before the Court at which Woddell was acquitted he repeated word for word the above statement and and in addition said he thought the word spoken by Woddell (1) "Be off" or "Go" "off" were spoken in a friendly tone.
J.F. Wilcox
Asst Sub Ass Comr
4th D 7th S.D. Va B of RF&c

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-15 16:57:55