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B. R. F. & A. L. 3 Div 
9th Sub Dist
Woodstock Sept 15th 1868
Respectfully Returned to John A McDonnell
This case cannot be brought again before the civil authorities from the fact that Salina Jackson the only witness in this case has left the state of Virginia when last heard from was in West Virginia
Watkins James 
Received Sept 14th 1868 R.F.&A.L
9th Sub Dist 3 Division

M No 56 BRF&AL 3rd Div. 4 SD Vol 4/68
Bureau R. F. & A. L. 3 Div. 9th S.D.
Woodstock Va June 24 1868.
Respectfully returned to J. A.McDonnell S.A.C. 9th S.D. This case was referred by me to Wm. Bennett J.P. who refused to issue a warrant for the perpetrator of the assault upon Celina Jackson. This refusal was reported (see letter from this office dated June 9/68) I respectfully urge that action be taken at once, as it is absolutely necessary that some severe example be made of these lawless boys which will effectually check further action of this kind. Since my report another outrage has been committed on this same girl—(see letter dated June 22d/68)—who unfortunately for her was one of the witnesses against the parties who burnt the flag pole at this office. 
J. H. Hall
Rec'd June 24/68 B.R.F.&A.L. 3 Div

Transcription Notes:
I have never transcribed before sorry The tops and bottoms of the pages seem to have writing that is present in the documents. That's OK, This is a tough one. Not bad for first try. Keep at it. Take another look at my attempt at transcription and learn how to decipher 19C cursive. I'v been doing this for years and can't make out some of the words. --------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 13:33:24 Cannot be marked as complete if more than one word is marked [[?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 14:27:07 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-19 07:45:21