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of 27th Feby 1868.

Par. 3d No notice is taken by the Civil authorities of lewdness or adultery and bastardy is not publicly looked upon as criminal

Par. 4 only one surname is used by colored people -

4th Each County provides for its own poor, of both colors. The means, as regards buildings are poor. and the feelings of the freedpeople are so strongly opposed to the poor-house that it would be difficult to induce even the most destitute to enter there.

5th The supply of labor is not at present equal to the demand. Many more could find employment at perhaps $10- to $12. per month with the usual allowances. farming hands alone are wanting.

6th The schools having closed, with the exception of one at Berryville, I can only observe that the qualification of the teachers was not of a character to reasonably expect much from schools in their charge. Mrs. Jackson, col. at Berryville is however an exception within the two months of her administration, a perceptible improvement is observed.