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with many of the people themselves, I find a very 
lively interest manifested, with an intelligent discrimination as to their interests, and decided convictions as to who are their friends, and who are not. I would also remark that their appreciation of the relation they sustain to each other, especially in regard to the marriage relation is assuming a more substantial aspect. It is believed that as far as the general condition of the freedmen is concerned, they are prosperous, intelligent and happy, nevertheless intemperance and immorality are far too common, and no effort is made by the local authorities to prevent drunkenness or lewdness.

2d  In cases where a colored person is a party to the action, and especially if the other party is an influential and popular white man prejudice in the lower Courts controls both Court and Jury to a much greater extent than do the facts or evidence. In the higher courts also the statement of a colored man, as compared with that of a white man does not appear to have the same weight. I cannot believe that a colored person could obtain full and complete justice in any of the Courts if the military authority was withdrawn