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Bureau R. Free A Lands
Office A.s.a. Comr.
Madison C H Va
July 16 1868

I Charles Carter a Freedman living on the plantation belonging to Ann. P. Booden states that Eduard Booden son of the above named woman asked the said Charles Carter how he was going to vote at the coming Election. He (Carter) told Booden that he intended to vote as he did at the last Election.(meaning the Republican ticket) Then Booden told him. (Carter) that if he did he would have to leave and he would burn his house down over his head. He informed him that he must tell William Taylor another Freedman living in the same plantation that he would share the same fate. should he vote the Radical Ticket but before he (Carter) could se William Taylor. Booden saw him and gave him the notification also

We certify that the above statement is correct and In about the same language as used by Edward Booden

Charles his x mark Carter
William his x mark Taylor

Witness, to signature}
William Crea}

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-18 15:44:39