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Bu. R. F. & A. Lands.
Head Qurs. 2d Division, 4th Sub Dist., Va. 
Goochland C.H. Va. Sept. 8th, 1868. 
I have the honor to return the Report made to you in March last in obedience to Circular No. 1 C.S. I do no understand the last clause of the Circular as you seem to interpret it.
I understood it as requiring that information of the fact that the freedmen had been fully notified of any change in preexisting arrangements, should be forwarded to Gen. Brown's Head-Quarters, and not information of the arrangement itself. 
As no change was made, no such notice, and information, was necessary. If necessary please forward enclosed Report to Gen. Brown's Head-Quarters. 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servt

E.C. Morse
A.S.A.. Comr. 

Major W.R. Morse
S.A. Comm
Gordonsville Va.