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Bureau of R.F & A.L.
Office of the A.S.A Comr
5th Div 4th Sub Dist Va
Culpeper CH. Va
Septr. 24th 1868

Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr. Dist of Va
Richmond Va

I have the honor to report that on the night of the 14th inst at about 12 oclk midnight Arthur Lee colored aged 55 years, living in the County of Rappahannock Va. about 15 miles from here and 9 miles from Washington the County Seat of Rappahannock Co, (and on the premises of a Mr Campbell) was taken from his house and carried a short distance therefrom and beat to such an extent as to cause his death  He was found the next morning near the spot where the beating appeared to have taken place

Evry effort has been made not only by myself but by the Civil authorities of Rappahannock Co to get some clue to the perpetrators of this outrage, but as yet everything tending to throw light upon the case is shrouded in mystery.
I have conferred with the proper Officers of the County, & have made diligent & careful inquiry but to no purpose. I have had several colored persons before me but they all say that they have no suspicions as to who the 

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